During the March Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion. A new adventure that will feature 80 new missions staring Agent 8 an Octoling girl who awakens in a dark subway with no memories. As you battle your way through the depths to reach the surface of Inkopolis. Unravel the mysteries below Inkopolis with Pearl, Marina, and Cap’n Cuttlefish this summer. Once you complete the single-player adventure you’ll then be able to play as an Octoling boy or girl in multiplayer battles. Preorder Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion in the Nintendo eShop and unlock Octo-themed gear.
Even though Splatoon’s first DLC months away here’s an easy DIY project for my fellow Splatoon fans. While you’re raising your freshness level in multiplayer mode you can get comfy with your very own Octo plush.
What you will need:
- Dark Pink fleece
- Craft felt Sheet: Black, Purple, Light Green
- Sewing Machine
- Needle and Thread
- Pins
- Poly-fil
- Hot glue gun
- freezer paper
- Iron
- Pattern (Some of the spots I free-handed but, I did include a basic template in the pattern for the spots.)
- Print out the pattern provided place freezer paper over the pattern with the waxy side facing down, then trace the design on the freezer paper and cut out the shapes.
- Place shapes for eyes and spots on craft felt with the waxy side facing down. Then with your iron set to low lightly iron the shapes to the felt. Then cut each shape out and remove the freezer paper.
- Once all of your shapes are cut out then use your hot glue gun to assemble the eyes.
- Cut out 2 of the Octo pattern in the dark pink fabric for the front and back sides of the Octo plush.
- Pin the front and back right sides together. Sew along the edges with a straight stitch leaving a small opening for turning.
- Remove pins. Trim all the points of the tentacles, at an angle, to reduce bulk. Making sure not to cut too close to the seam opening. Clip a small slot cut in the seam allowance along the curves to reduce bulk and tension.
- Turn Oct plush right side out. Take your poly-fil and begin stuffing your Octo plush.
- Using a blind/ladder stitch close your Octo plush.
- Lastly, hot glue the eyes and spots to your Octo plush. And you’ll have your very own Octo plush.
Related post: PlayStation Buttons Coaster Set DIY
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