Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama a widely acclaimed Japanese manga and game artist. Was another show that I grew up watching on Toonami almost every day after school. It was a series that always left me on the edge of my seat I loved the fighting scenes, the characters, and storylines. Anyone in the Dragon Ball universe who collects all 7 of the dragon balls will be able to call upon the Eternal Dragon who will grant them one wish. Now you can own one of your very own with easy DIY.

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What You’ll Need:
“Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need.”    -Goku
  1. Remove the base of the lamp from the glass. Using a paper towel and alcohol, clean the glass.
  2. Then apply an even coat of the yellow transparent glass paint to the glass and it let dry for 1 hour.
  3. Next, use your heat gun to cure the paint. Hold it 45 degrees from the glass ball and keep it moving for about five minutes. Be careful not to leave it in a spot too long.
  4. After about 5 minutes of the heat gun let your glass ball cool before adding another coat.IMG_2265-side
  5. Repeat the second and third steps 2 to 3 times or until you get the desired looked.
  6. Then using the star stickers or a stencil place trace anywhere between 1 to 7 stars on the lamp with a pen.IMG_2319-side
  7. Next, fill in the stars with 2-4 coats of red paint. Then let each coat dry for an hour. Lastly, use your heat gun to cure the paint.
  8. Once the lamp has fully dry place a bulb in the base. The put the glass back on the base and enjoy.Dragon Ball Lamp DIY
Craft Notes:
      • Make sure that you are using glass paint. Unlike regular paint, glass paint isn’t water-based. So the heat on the lamp won’t have any effects on it.
      • The instructions on the bottle of paint instruct you to place your project in the oven for 30 min then let cool. I wasn’t comfortable with doing that so I used a heat gun instead and got the same results.
      • If you don’t have a heat gun you can also use a hairdryer on its highest settings or bake it in the oven if you are comfortable.
      • Hold your heat gun at an angle of about 45 degrees from the work and never keep in one place for more than a few seconds. As the paint begins to bubble under the heat.
      • I did 3 coats of paint of the yellow paint and 4 of the red.

Check out my Sailor Moon Lighted Glass Block to see another Toonami inspired DIY.

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.