Weird Louise Pocket Scarf

If you’re someone who loves giving homemade gifts to others and need some ideas. This month I will be sharing some craft projects that will make great gifts for the holidays. All projects will be simple with materials you can pick up at your local craft store. The first project is this paw print pocket scarf it is easy to put together and makes a great gift. It’s nice and warm and you can slip your hands into it when you don’t have gloves. The paw prints add an extra bit of cuteness and pairs well with a hat with ears.

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Paw Print Pocket Scarf
What you’ll need
  1. First, take your fleece and cut your 2 strips of fleece that are 9 inches in width and 58 inches in length. Then place the pattern on either edge of the scarf and cut.
  2. Next, take the remaining fabric and fold it in half. Place the pattern and line it up with the fold and cut out two pockets. Lay the folded pockets on the ends of one of the strips of fleece. Then pin along the outer edge of the pockets. Then sew along the outer edge of the pockets.
  3. Once you have both pockets sew onto the fleece strips place the other fleece strip on top of the piece with pockets.  Then pin along the outer edge and sew but leave a small opening for turning.
  4. Before you turn your scarf trim the excess fabric but be careful to not cut the stitching. Then turn your scarf inside out and close the opening.
  5. Lastly, position and glue the paw prints into place. And enjoy your warm new scarf. 
  • When your sewing on the pockets make sure that you are sewing through all the layers. Run your fingers along the inside of the pockets to double-check.
  • If you wanted to make this for a child you would make the scarf 54″ in length, 6″ in width, and the pockets 6″ deep.
  • As an added touch you can topstitch over the outer edge of the scarf.
  • If you trace the pattern onto freezer paper and then iron the pattern onto the fleece you’ll have an easier time cutting out the shapes.

Related post: Fleece Snowflake Headband

Pocket scarfs make a great gift for the holidays. And you can dress them up any way you’d like.

So down below I added more patterns for the pockets to choose from.

More pocket options:

Rhino | Naruto Akatsuki Cloud | Star | Lightning Bolt | Heart

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.