On Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, GA, thousands of people flock to celebrate dozens of fandoms. It started with one host hotel and now takes over fives host hotels and two of America’s Mart buildings. It hosts hundreds of guest including bands, writers, actors, actresses, and more. To say it’s a giant geek party would be an understatement.
In my recap of Dragon Con, I’m going to go over my times at Dragon Con as well as my time in Atlanta. This is my second year going to Dragon Con, and I brought along my little sister to share the experience. This was her first time attending a convention this large, and she had a great time. But, wouldn’t want to do more than three days in the future.
We met in Atlanta the day before the convention started so we could do some exploring around the city. Our flights landed within a few minutes of each other, so after meeting up we took an Uber to our Airbnb. After dropping off our luggage, our first stop was the Georgia Aquarium. Since our visit was later in the day, we didn’t get to see any of the shows. We explored each section and saw whale sharks, beluga whales, and other marine life. After that, we had dinner at the Slutty Vegan and they have officially dethroned The Burger Stand as my favorite burger restaurant. I had the one night stand and my sister had the fussy hussy. I ended up eating both because my sister never finishes, and after both burgers, I was stuffed and ready for bed.
Dragon Con 2019 Recap
Thursday: Day 1
The next day both of us were tired after a late night of fun, so getting out of bed and dressed was a challenge. But, we powered through it. We both cosplayed the first day and went with the theme of teenage angst. She dressed up as Debbie from The Wild Thornberrys and I dressed up as Jane Lane from Daria. Before heading to the convention to pick up our badges we stopped for breakfast at Rosie’s Cafe. I had a waffle with a side of oatmeal and my sister had their chicken and waffles. Then we took an Uber to the convention and picked up out badges. Then walked around trying seeing where everything was located before taking a seat and people watching before Dragon Con wrestling started.
The first year I went to Dragon Con I missed all the Thursday night events, so this year I didn’t take any chances and got in line early so I wouldn’t miss out. So we ended up spending a lot of time waiting in line for Dragon Con wrestling. When I was in high school I loved watching wrestling, but as I got older I drifted away from it. So watching it at the convention brought me back to the days of screaming at the TV, and cheering for my favorite wrestlers. After that, we did some walking around before heading back to the Airbnb.
Friday: Day 2
The next day we woke up early, and I wore my Chuckie Finster cosplay and my sister dressed normally. We grabbed breakfast at a nearby restaurant then checked out the gaming area, before heading over to the vendors. They had a wide variety of vendors to choose from, and needless to say, my bank account took a hit. I bought some prints, comic cooks, and a new tank top from Jordandene. After doing some shopping, we decided that we needed to away from the vendors if wanted to not go broke before the trip was over. So, we went to one of the host hotels to people watch and admire all the amazing cosplay builds. Since we needed to get up early the next day for the Dragon Con Parade. We didn’t stay out late and headed back to the Airbnb.
Saturday: Day 3
Saturday started with the Dragon Con parade. We both dressed up for that day, I was Uhura from Star Trek and my sister was Connie from Steven Universe. During the day we walked around the convention and people watched along with seeing the anime cosplay contest. After that, we got in line for the Aly & Aj
concert. It was short because shortly after the first song one of the speakers blew out and caught on fire. So that was the end of that, but at least I can saw them perform. Since the concert ended early we had more time than expected before the next event. So, we went to one of the adjoining hotels and people watched before Bit Brigade started.
The highlight of the day for me was watching Bit Brigade perform. They combine speed runs of classic games with live music. They played one of my favorite games Mega Man 2. Afterward, we had planned to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but the line was too long. We were both tired, so we decided to head back to the Airbnb.
Sunday: Day 4
Since we stayed out late the night before we spent most of the day going to panels and people watching. We both cosplayed, I was Velma from Scooby-Doo and she was Number 3 from Code name kids Next door. Our first panel of the day was Blerds Unite and had a great time connecting with my fellow Blerds, and hear their stories. Afterward, we went to the Guilty Pleasure Anime panel which was all about trash anime, and how they’re bad but we still love them.
Then we made our way to the black geeks of Dragon Con photo shoot and grabbed lunch afterward. Our last panel of the day was Fannish YA, and it was all about incorporating fandoms into YA. I was able to add some new books to my TBR list and learned a new song. That ended up getting stuck in my head for the rest of the day. After the panel, we checked the app for something else to do. Nothing stood out so we headed back to the Airbnb to watch anime.
Monday: Day 5
The last day of the convention we didn’t spend much time at the convention. I ended up dressing up as casual snow white from Wreck-it Ralph 2. Then we did a loop around the convention, and since there wasn’t much happening. We went to The World of Coca-Cola. We had fun exploring their exhibits, and taste testing different coke products from around the world. But I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re visiting Atlanta. With a price tag of $17 plus tax, there wasn’t a lot to do and see for the amount you paid to get in.
Afterward, we headed over to Shake Shack where we ran into Riki LeCotey also know as Riddle an award-winning cosplayer/costume maker. We spoke with her briefly before heading back to the Airbnb. So we could pack and get ready to fly back home the next day.
We both had a great time at the convention and were exhausted from all the standing and walking. So, after we finished packing, we watched a few episodes of Cannon Busters and went to bed. When the alarm went off the next day, we rolled out of bed feeling as if we fought an epic battle, with a real dragon. The rest of the day, I couldn’t wait to get home and sleep in my bed. Overall I enjoyed my time in Atlanta, and I’d love to go again next year with my sister. I’m not sure if I could do all five days again that was a lot, and I’m not as young as I used to be.
I hope you enjoyed my recap of Dragon Con and reading about what I did in Atlanta. Dragon Con is one of my favorite conventions, and it marks the start of my journey into cosplay. I have one more convention this year before I take a break for the holidays. In the meanwhile, I’ll be working on new builds for next year and retiring some of my old cosplays.
Related post: August 2019 Wrap-up
Aww this is so cool! I’m glad you got to go with your sister. You both look beautiful and I loved your costumes! I’ve never been to a con like that. I don’t think the NY Comic Con even has all of those events, so that is amazing! The NY Comic Con isn’t as great as it used to be, I hear, and everything is too expensive to buy there. And smelly. I’m not sure how credible those facts are, but I digress. The Slutty Vegan sounds really interesting haha I’d love to try those burgers! I used to listen to Aly & AJ a lot when I was younger, I would’ve loved to be there again, too bad the speaker caught on fire …. lol. Thanks for sharing Angela!
Geraldine | https://geraldinetalks.com
Thank you, Geraldine. NY Comic-Con is on my bucket list of conventions along with San Diego Comic-Con. Dragon Con is the first convention I’ve ever been to that has a parade and wrestling. I like it has something for all fandoms and ages. The Slutty Vegan has some interesting names for their menu items, and worth checking out. I think its something even non-vegans would enjoy. Me too, the speaker thing was crazy. There was a loud pop then everything went silent and they ran off the stage. Then someone yelled “the speaker is on fire”, but instead of everyone running for the doors they took out their phones and started recording it. >.<