About Me

Hi! My name is Angela, but online I go by Weird Louise.

Angela_Weird Louise

My Story

I’m a geek who loves video games, anime, and books. I started Weird Louise to share my interest and connect with others. I have ADHD, anxiety, depression, and autism spectrum disorder. So, I’m awkward, feel down a lot, constantly fidgeting, and struggle with social interactions. Growing up I was called weird and was teased for being different. For a long time I didn’t have any friends and spent a lot of time drawing, watching cartoons, and daydreaming. I’d compare myself to others and wanted to be normal like everyone else.

Due to fear, I lived an isolated life and longed for what others had. I made myself believe that I couldn’t have friends because I was weird. No one wants to be friends with the weird girl. So I made a fool out of myself to make people like me. I became a people pleaser and did stupid things to make people laugh. But they weren’t laughing with me they were laughing at me and using me. After high school, I retreated to avoiding people and surround myself with interest. In my bubble, no one could hurt me, but I wasn’t happy. I was lonely and wanted to make friends and have people to hang out with and share my interest.

So in 2018, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and try blogging as a way to connect with others. I was anxious and nervous. I was worried that it would be a failed experiment and that I’d be making content that no one wanted to read. But you never know if you don’t try. And through blogging, I’ve been able to connect with people within the blogging community and meet people with similar interests.

Even though  I was nervous at first to step outside of my comfort zone I’m glad I did. And it changed my outlook on life and inspired me to make changes in my life and to do more things that scared me.

Why Weird Louise?

My middle name is Louise and I didn’t want to use my first name or real name online. Since I’m quiet and keep to myself, my coworkers tend to try and find me online to learn more about me. Instead of talking to me.

I’m also a huge Bob’s Burger fan and my favorite character is Louise Belcher. I can relate to her a lot. She likes to goof around a lot but will help the people she cares about when they’re in a pinch. So I took inspiration from the show and embarrassed my weirdness and went with Weird Louise.

What do you write about?

I’m a lifestyle blogger. So I blog about a variety of topics that are related to my lifestyle.

Topics I write about:

Geeky things- video games and book reviews.

Crafts/DIY Projects

Personal development tips

Health and wellness topics- fitness, mental health, and general health tips

Vegan and vegetarian recipes

Thank you for checking out my blog.
I started Weird Louise because I wanted to share my story, interests, and connect with others.
If you want to connect with me outside of my blog, feel free to follow me on social media. 
Social Media: Instagram/Goodreads/Pinterest 
And for all, you awkward souls check out my shop. 
Shop: Socially Awkward Club
Want to work with me? Then use this form to get in contact with me.