
Sometimes life is hectic and we forget to take care of ourselves in the chaos. But it’s important to find the time to take care of yourself and practice self-care. There are many benefits to practicing self-care. It’s important to know your worth and practice self-care daily to boost your confidence, self-esteem. To remind yourself and others that your needs are important too. But for people dealing with depression self-care can seem unattainable at times. Through feelings of despair and listlessness depression can often leave you feeling like looking after yourself more effort than it’s worth.

“To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.” – Jill Bolte Taylor

Self-care is more than just going to the spa it can help fight depression. For people with depression, it’s going from inactive to active and recognizing that you need to move from numbness of depression to an active state. Just start small by setting small goals like getting out of bed and drinking a cup of tea outside while enjoying the sunlight and fresh air. Build on your goals as you reach the smaller ones. Get out and feed your senses and once your symptoms started to decrease build a routine and be mindful about sticking to it.

Here are a few things that you can do to practice self-care. Some may seem small but it’s a step in the right direction toward fostering recovery and creating a self-care program that will work for you.

In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you).

Read a Self-Help Book

Self-help books inspire readers to make better choices, create personal projects, and help you interpret not only yourself. But the world positively. So just taking the time to read a chapter a day. It can make all the difference in how you see yourself and the world around you.

A few self-help books worth checking out:

Morning Walks

Get up and greet the day. Put on your shoes and go for a 15 or 20-minute stroll around the block or to your local park. Watch the sun come or just listen to the sounds of nature. Not only will you feel relaxed but have a clear mind before tackling the day.

Do Things Your Passionate about

Read a book, paint a picture, or go for a run. No matter what it is. Just get into the habit of doing things that bring you joy.

Do For Yourself

Rather than asking someone else to make you a cup of coffee or tea. See if you can make it yourself.

Drink Some Water

Your body needs water so make sure that your drinking plenty of it. In other words, ditch the soda and have a glass of water instead.

Sign Off Social Media

First of all social media tends to make most of us anxious or cause stress. So take a break from social media and you’ll feel much better.

Don’t Bottle it up

If something is bothering you don’t have to pretend it’s fine when it isn’t. So talk to someone and ask for help. As a result, you’ll feel a lot better afterward.

Relax And Breathe

Breathing exercises are a great tool for reaching a relaxed and clear state of mind. So next time your feeling stressed try closing your eyes and count each time you exhale. Do this for about 10 minutes and you’ll feel relaxed with a clear mind.

Grab a Coloring Book

Coloring isn’t just for kids. It can be calming and lets you explore your creative side.

You can find great coloring books on Amazon.

Like this one

Hang With Your Pets

Pets can be calming and just a joy to be around. So grab your pet get comfy and give them some attention. And they’ll enjoy it just as much as you will.

Related post: A Beginners Guide to Self-Care

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.