Easy Felt Halloween Wreath DIY

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and I’ve been in the decorating mood. It’s a busy month for me, so I’m not going to go full out like I usually do. Instead, I’m keeping things simple and just decorating the front door. The wreath I usually use, has glitter on it and it gets everywhere, and I didn’t want to spend the month cleaning up glitter. So, I decided to make a new one and donate the old one. And, since this is going to be a busy month I didn’t want the new wreath to complicated.  After digging in my craft closet and brainstorming I came up with this easy Halloween wreath. It can put together in a couple of hours and adds a touch of Haloween to my front door. So, if you’re looking to give your front door a dose of spooky this year, try this easy to make Halloween wreath.

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Easy Felt Halloween Wreath

What you’ll need


  1. Place the wire wreath form on the felt and trace the shape. Then cut out the shape and glue it to your wire wreath form.
  2. After that, trace the pattern provided onto felt, cut out the shapes, and glue them together.
  3. Plan out the way you want to use the felt shapes by grouping them to form a cohesive look. Lastly, use your hot glue gun to glue them in place.


  • If you’re having trouble gluing the felt to the wreath form try using wire.

Related Post: 5 Horror Games to Spook up Your Halloween

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.