Moon Phases Wall Hang

I redid one of my nightstands and the wall behind it looked plain. So, I made a new wall hang out of leftover material. I went with the moon phases because I thought it would match the look of my new nightstand set up. Plus I knew it would be easy to put together, and I wouldn’t have to go to the store to pick up anything. I’m really frugal, so I like to use my creativity to create things on a budget. I search thrift stores, the bargain bins of craft stores, or around my apartment for materials. Then I think of things I can make out what I’ve found.

The moon phases have been a go-to for me lately since it’s easy to draw and cut out. A few months ago I made a large moon phases wall hang for about my bed. So it seemed fitting to fill the space by the nightstand with a smaller moon phases wall hang in a different style. Plus it would match them of the nightstand.

So here’s an easy and cheap DIY project that you can make for your home. The materials are simple and can be found at your local craft store. And you can decorate it however you’d like to make it your own, and adjust the size if you’d like to make it larger or smaller.

In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you).

Moon Phases wall Hang

What you’ll need:


    1. Start off by rolling out the paper clay. Then use a cup to cut out some circles, and use the wooden skewer or chopstick to poke a hole in the top of each circle. Lastly, let the circles are dry.
    2. Next, make the beads. Shape the clay and poke a hold in the center with your wooden skewer or chopstick. Then let them dry.

  1. While you wait for the clay to dry decorate your wooden dowel however you like.
  2. Once your circles and beads have dried. Paint them with a layer of mod podge to seal them, then let dry. Next, paint them however you’d like, and let them dry. After that, add a second coat of mod podge to seal them.
  3. Lastly, after everything has dried, take the yarn or thread and wooden dowel and assemble your wall hang.Moon Phases Wall Hang DIY


  • Sand down the circles and beans to give them a smoother-looking finish before adding the first layer of mod podge.
  • Instead of using a second coat of mod podge to seal them, use clear acrylic for a matte or gloss finish.

Related post: PlayStation Buttons Coaster Set DIY

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.