Hallotober Tag
Hello, all you spooky people! Recently I was tagged by Angie at  Sukeban AK  and Deandra at The Black Princess Diaries to participate in the Hallotober and write a Halloween inspired post. Halloween is my favorite holiday and October is a month full of all my favorites. From cooler weather to spooky vibes. There’s something to enjoy about to fall. So I’m excited to participate in the tag and answer the questions that go along with the tag. Thank you for tagging me, Angie and Dedria. Let’s get started.


What’s your favorite thing about October?
My favorite thing about October is the shift from summer to fall. How the leaves change colors and the temperature drops. There’s something magical about it.
Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
When I was younger I’d go all out, but now that I am older. But now I prefer a chill night need watching movies.
What’s your favorite horror movie?
Hereditary! That movie gave me the creeps. And Toni Collette gave an amazing performance.
Would you rather a cozy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
A cozy night in watching horror. I’m an introvert and I’d rather stay in than go out.
Which has been your most favorite costume to date?
Lydia Deetz from the animated Beetlejuice series. I made it a couple of years ago. It was a last-minute Halloween costume that turned out better than I was expecting.

Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
Bobbing for apples, eww germs. Let’s pin the hat on the witch.
How do you celebrate Halloween?
I hand out candy to the local kiddos and either watch spooky movies or play a horror game. While enjoying something with pumpkin spice in it.
What’s your least favorite horror?
I’m not a fan of anything gory or has to deal with demons and possessions. Stuff like that makes me really uncomfortable.
Do you have a favorite trick or treating memory?
I don’t have one. My family didn’t celebrate Halloween, it was seen as something evil. So I didn’t get to go trick or treating as a kid or celebrate Halloween.
What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?
I love the creativity behind it. And seeing everyone’s costumes and how they decorate their homes.
Scary costume or Silly costume?
Silly costume, I’m not intimating enough to pull off anything scary.
What’s your favorite Halloween candy?
Skittles! It’s my favorite candy in general.

Who is your favorite black cat, real or fictional?
Luna, because I’m a weeb.
If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?
It’d be shark onesie because it’s comfy.

Hallotober Rules:

  • Tag 13 bloggers
  • Delete the 13th question and add your own

Hallotober Questions:

  1.  What’s your favorite thing about October?
  2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
  3. What’s your favorite horror movie?
  4. Would you rather a cozy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
  5. Which has been your most favorite costume to date?
  6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
  7. How do you celebrate Halloween?
  8. What’s your least favorite horror?
  9. Do you have a favorite trick or treating memory?
  10. What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?
  11. Scary costume or Silly costume?
  12. What’s your favorite Halloween candy?
  13. What’s your least favorite Halloween candy?

I’m tagging whoever wants to participate. Be sure to tag me so I can read your answers and share your post.

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.