Well, I thought spring was right around the corner. It started to warm up in the Denver metro, and I had swapped out my coat for a jacket. One thing people keep telling me about Colorado is that the weather is unpredictable. One day it can be clear skies and in the 70s and the next below freezing and snowing. In March we got hit with a winter storm the days leading up to it the warm had been nice. It had been warm and sunny out, but the temperature started to drop and the forecast was calling for 4-6 feet of snow.
My job ended up shutting down for the weekend, so I ended up with a three-day weekend. Which allowed me to rest and get ahead on some of my school work. Since skiing and snowboarding are apart of Colorado life. I’d catch glimpses of people skiing down the sidewalks. Now I’m no stranger to snow, but that was a first for me. I’ve never been skiing, but it’s something I’d like to try. It looks like a lot of fun and a good way to get around during a snowstorm.