5 Self-help Strategies to Improve Body Image
Improving Body Image
“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” – Amy Bloom

We live in a world were magazines and TV are telling us how we’re supposed to look. So how are we supposed to accept ourselves? Poor body image is something that many of us struggle with. Feeling bad about the way we look can take a toll on our confidence. As a result, its important for us reevaluate how we think and look at our bodies. So here are some self-help strategies you can do on your own to improve your body image.

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Clean Your Social Media Feed

Daily, we are all barraged with images and messages promoting the ideal body and how to get it. To offset these messages. It’s important to find messages that support and accept all body types. So try to support body-positive blogs, role model or, you can even create a body-positive Pinterest board. And it’s also a good idea to stop following social media sites who promote the thin ideal.

Sites like this one give women and girls the tools and knowledge. They need to understand and resist harmful media images.

Buy clothes that Fit

Try to work with your body and not against it. So wear clothes that are comfortable and make you feel good about your body. Don’t buy shapeless clothes or entice yourself with fitting into old clothes. This will make you feel worse and doesn’t increase your motivations. Instead, buy things that make you feel good. This will decrease your anxiety and discontent when getting dressed.

Reframe from negative body language

Avoid engaging in “fat talk” or negative body-related conversations. Getting caught up in a negative conversation about the way someone looks. It can lead you to think about your appearance. Which isn’t helpful when you’re trying to improve your body image.

Stop Body Checking

Obsessively weighing yourself, measuring yourself or, checking yourself in the mirror just causes anxiety. So if checking yourself has become an issue, try and keep track of the number of times you’re doing it. Then try to gradually cut back.

Challenge Avoidance

If you’re uncomfortable wearing shorts in the summer. Or won’t go swimming because of the fear of wearing a swimsuit. Try to little by little expose yourself to the things that cause you anxiety. For example, wear a pair of shorts around the house and increase how long you wear them. Then try to go outside with them on. This can be as simple as getting the mail or taking out the trash. If you stay consistent over time you’ll start to feel comfortable.

Above all, body image is not likely to improve without effort. If you are trying different methods that are not helping over time. And your body image is affecting your well-being don’t be afraid to seek professional help.

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.