April 2020 Wrap-Up: I Stayed home and make Things

During April, I was able to get a lot done.Β  Like many people, I stayed home and only left my home for essentials. I took the time to get caught up on things, organize, and declutter. Once I was done with that, I went digging through my craft supplies and made a few things using what I had. With the supplies I had, I made three wall hangs, and a bunch of felt keychains. I also worked on improving my art skills and played around with new art mediums. So here’s a close look at my April, the things I created, what I accomplished, and my goals for May.

Getting Creative

I have a lot of different hobbies, but my main hobbies are crafts and art. And during April, I had more free time to put towards both hobbies. I have a lot of craft supplies, and it’s a disorganized mess. So, using up old supplies and organizing what I have. Would eliminate some of the stress that comes with working on big projects. Often, I’ll spend hours searching for something or buy something I already have. And that makes the project take longer, and I spend money than I need to. So I went through what I had and found some wooden dowels, and decided to make wall hangs.

Wall Hangs

The first wall hang I made was a large one to go over my bed. I had a large wooden, some rope leftover from when I made my teepee, and lots of felt. For the design, I kept it simple since I didn’t have a lot of supplies to work with. And ended up going with the moon phases since they were easy to draw and cut out. I started by painting the wooden dowel gold then traced the moon phases onto different colors felt and then cut the shapes out while I waited for the paint to try.Β Lastly, I assembled the wall hang, alternating between the moon phases and rope. It’s simple, but I like the way it turned out and it looks cool hanging over my bed.large wall hang

A few days later I made two smaller wall hangs. One was inspired by a set of arrows I have and the other Sailor Moon. For the arrow wall hang, I didn’t have much of a plan. I just knew it was going to have arrows. So I ended up making it up as I was making it. The same went for the Sailor Moon one too. I wanted it to be simple and have elements from the series. They both turned out good for not really have a plan. And out of all three, the Sailor Moon wall hang is my favorite. It also inspired me to make key chains out of felt.

Felt Keychains

I have a lot of felt, so making felt keychains was a great project reducing the amount of felt in my craft supplies. For each keychain, I stuck to simple designs and took inspiration from what was around my apartment. I didn’t have keyrings for all the keychains, but when I’m able to go to the craft store again. I plan on getting some and giving the keychains away as gifts to friends and family. Luckily, they’re small so they don’t take up too much space. After working on the felt keychains, I took a break from crafts and started working on improving my art skills.Felt Keychains

Playing with Watercolor Pencils

I started off my digging through my art supplies and found some watercolor pencils, that I hadn’t opened yet. A while ago I bought different types of watercolor supplies, so I could work on watercolor painting. And only ended up using the watercolor paints. I’d never worked with them before so I watched I looked for a Youtube video for some bigger tips. Then grabbed my watercolor paper and sketched out some simple drawing using the pencils and added water. Once I was done I realized I was pressing too hard with the pencils and using too much water. So I sketch out some more drawing and gave it another try using what I had learned. The second set turned out a lot better than the first. I plan on playing more with them, and I like them more than watercolor paints.

What I accomplished in April and May Goals

In between creating things, I did do some decluttering. There were three places I wanted to declutter during April. They were my garage, closet, and filing cabinet. I was able to declutter my closet and filing cabinet. But not my garage, my allergies, and the weather weren’t on my side. So I’m going to add to my May goals. I’m happy I was able to get to both my filing cabinet and closet. Both were places I couldn’t open fully, but now everything is nice and organized.

As right now, things are still uncertain. So I’m going to focus my goals on things that I can improve on as well as the tasks I didn’t get to last month.

May Goals:

  • Declutter Garage
  • Work on drawing people
  • Read two self-help books
  • Do yoga twice a week

April wasn’t too bad. There was a point where being in quarantine started weighing on me, and I ended up downloading TikTok and wasting a bunch of time the app. But other than that I carved out a lot of time for myself to do things I enjoy. And even crossed a few movies off my to-watch list. I don’t know what May has in store for me, but whatever it is, I’ll be sure to make sure I make time to rest, do some crafting, and stay off TikTok.

How did your April go? Did you do anything fun or start a new project?

Related post:Β March 2020 wrap-up: A Virus ate my good time

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.