March wrap-up: A Virus ate my good time

I debated on it I should do a wrap -up for March. Like many people around the world, my March was filled with uncertainty, bad news, and an overall lack of toilet paper in grocery stores. I started my temp position, but it was cut short due to the Corona Virus. Planet Comicon was postponed, so I didn’t get to see my sister this month. Grocery store shelves nearly empty, and small businesses doing their best to make ends meet. Needless to say, March wasn’t all that positive of a month. But with all the negative things going on I tried to focus on the positives.

12 days on the Job

March 2020 wrap-upEarly this month, I started working as a temporary employee for the Kansas City Board of Election. My job was to help out with the upcoming Primary Presidental Elections. Now, I’m not into politics at all and I avoid the news. So I didn’t have any strong feelings about working with the board of elections. But I didn’t expect to find appreciation for those who help make elections happen.

Having an election is no easy task especially during a pandemic. There’s a lot of planning, training, and organizing that goes on behind the scenes so that voters can easily cast their vote. But this election was a little different with the added challenge of dealing with an outbreak of a new virus. Even though, my time there was cut short I’m glad I was able to be apart of the time and help make the Primary Presidental Elections happen for those in the Kansas City area.

Since my temp job ended earlier than I expected, I’m going to put my job hunt on hold for a little while. And shift my focus back to doing freelance work. With everything that’s going on, I don’t think a lot of places are focused on hiring new employees. So, the best thing for me to do right now is to be patient and focus on freelance work.

Planet Comicon?

So Planet Comicon ended up being postponed to later to August of this year. I decided not to go this year and transfer my ticket to next year since I have other conventions in mind for that time frame. My sister ended up getting a credit for her flight, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to see her.March 2020 wrap-up

I was bummed when all this happened early this month, but I know it’s all for the better. At the end of the day, I want my sister to be safe and with everything going on travel isn’t a good idea. As well as being in a room full of people who might be infected with the virus. I know all of this will pass eventually and things will return to normal. So until then, I’m going to try and look on the bright side. My sister is safe and there will always be other opportunities for us to go to a convention together.

Did I accomplish my March goals?

I set three goals for myself this month. Find a healthy balance between work and home, read at least two books, and find some fun events to attend around the city. The first goal I did alright with. Balancing work and home is not an easy task. Before I’d get early, make my bed, tidy up my hedgehog’s cage, then head off to the gym. After my workout, I’d head back home to shower and have a quick breakfast before heading off to work. Once I was done at work, I’d head home, have dinner, prep my lunch for the next day, and do some work before heading to bed. I kept on this routine for the most part, but some days were harder than others. Especially with daylight savings and losing an hour.

Now for my second goal, reading two books. Well, I did read some books, but they weren’t novels. I started reading The Girl From The Otherside. Back in November, I stumbled upon it while I was at the bookstore. And thought to myself now is a good time to start reading it. The art is what really drew me to the book, but it’s dark fairytale ambiance, sense of mystery made me want to keep reading.

For my last goal, I did find some fun events around the city but they were either postponed on canceled. So that’ll be a goal for another month. Overall I didn’t do too bad.

April Goals

Even though I’m uncertain of what will happen in April. I’m still going to set some new goals for myself, but I’m not going to make any plans. So for the month of April, I’m going to have an open schedule and focus on taking care of things around my home and doing more creative projects.

  • Declutter my garage
  • Clean out my closet
  • Organizing my filing cabinet

Overall, March didn’t go as planned but I still had a good month. How did your March go? Did you do anything fun or start a new project?

Related post: February Wrap-up: Moving into a New Apartment

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.