August wrap-up: Back to School

August marks the end of my summer break and the start of the fall semester. I’m bummed that summer break is over. The weeks leading up to school weren’t as relaxing as I would have liked. Things picked up at work which left me with little free time. Despite all the stress, my first week of school went well. None of my teachers went easy on us and I ended the week with a lot of homework. For the fall semester, I’m taking general. biology and lab, intro to psychology, dynamics of health, and health disparities in the U.S.

Preparing for School

Juggling both working and preparing for school was a stressful task. I felt like my to-do list for school was neverending. Making sure my FAFSA was good, getting, my books and supplies, and finding all my classes. Was stressful and added to my anxiety. When I went to pick up my textbooks, I ended up having a panic attack. It was a mix of stress and feeling like I wouldn’t fit in on campus because of my age.

I had to remind myself to breathe and to take it one step at a time. Perfect doesn’t exist and things don’t have to align perfectly for the semester. Long as things get done in a timely matter everything will be alright. I also had to remind myself that it’s never too late to invest in yourself. Education is an investment in yourself and college is for everyone both young and old. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. A tool for improving your life and expanding your knowledge.

First day of Classes

On the first day of classes, I felt both excited and nervous. I was excited about going back to school and the classes I was taking for the fall semester. My nervousness stemmed from not knowing what to expect. This isn’t my first time in a college classroom, but it is since the pandemic. I was unsure if the format for an in-person setting would be the same.

I started the day with general biology. I got on campus about an hour early for parking and to find my class. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to my general biology class. My map and GPS sent me in the opposite direction. And by the time I found the class I was late and the anxiety of walking in having everyone staring at me got to. Instead, I went home to collect myself.

After some reflection, I stopped beating myself. I’m someone who’s constantly aiming for perfection and when I fall short of it even if it’s by a little. Then I start beating myself up over it. It’s one class, and missing one class doesn’t make it a bad semester.

Round 2

After I got myself together I went back on campus for intro to psychology class. I made it to class on time, and the teacher went over the syllabus. I’m excited about the class, but not the group work that comes with it. That part is outside of my comfort zone, but I believe in myself. I’ll get through it.

Overall, my first day of classes despite missing my first class. I’ve got a good feel of the campus and where everything is for the future. So I shouldn’t have any problems with classes again.

What I learned

The first week of school was eye-opening. If I want to succeed in college and achieve my goals. I need to change my way of thinking. By thinking that everything has to be perfect all the time, I put more stress on myself. In order to thrive and do well, I’ll have to go easy on myself and sometimes push myself out of my comfort zone. This semester will be what I make it, and I intend to make it a good one.

Related Post: Goodbye Summer Break, and Hello Fall Semester

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.