Tips for Encouraging Children to Read

Encouraging children to read can be a challenge. Reading is key in not only education but in the modern world where communication takes place over emails and text messages. Because of this, the ability to communicate and comprehend is important. Also reading for pleasure provides lots of benefits as they go through school and adulthood. Children who read for pleasure do better in spelling and vocabulary. So here are some ways to encourage children to read.

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Encourage children to choose what they read

Reading should be a choice and not a chore. So letting children have choices goes a long way in raising life-long readers. Kids who chose what they read regardless if it’s a novel or a comic book are more engaged with what they’re reading and are more likely to hold on to what they read. While it’s fine to make suggestions don’t force your views of what they should be reading. Keep an eye on the reading level of the books they choose and be ready to help if they get discouraged.

Encourage reading activities & make time for reading

Make reading apart of your child’s everyday life. So let them read menus, movie names, signs, or directions to show the practical side of reading. Even if your child enjoys reading and has the motivation, they are less likely to do so if they don’t have the time. So take time out of the day to devote to reading either together or on their own. Set a specific time aside instead of trying to squeeze it in between activities to show that reading is important.

Read to your children daily

The more children are exposed to literature the more reading will become apart of their daily life. Reading together is a powerful tool in motivating your child to read. Whether it’s snuggled up together under the covers following along to an audiobook during a road trip. Create a special one-on-one time that your child can look forward to. This helps create a positive connection with reading.

Surround your child with reading materials

Reading material comes in all shapes and sizes. Create a library in your home where your children can have access to a wide variety of books at their reading level. Reading will be more likely to catch their interest if they can explore different options.

Make it fun

As you read with your children, keep them involved.  Ask them questions about the story, let them fill in the blanks, create activities related to the story your reading. You can create games that go along with the theme of the story or act out the stories they read. Kids are going to enjoy reading with the experience is enjoyable. So keep them involved with creative games and activities.

Show interest in your child’s reading

Remember to give praise for their efforts. Your response has a strong effect on how hard they will try to become good readers. Use a chart or a graph to track your child’s reading to give them a sense of accomplishment. You can set goals and each time they reach them you can reward your child to celebrate their special achievement. It doesn’t have to be something elaborate just something that shows you’re proud of their accomplishments.

Related post: Why You Should be Reading Daily

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.