February Wrap-up: Moving into a new Apartment

My February wasn’t all that exciting. I spent most of it packing, carrying things up four flights of stairs, unpacking, and setting up my new apartment. My mom and dad were kind enough to drive down from Michigan and help me out with my move. They were both a big help. There was one set back, I ended up dropping something on my foot and ending up having to go to the ER. Luckily, I didn’t break or fracture my foot, but I did end up in a boot with crutches. I was worried that my move was going to take longer than anticipated, but my dad came through.

The whole time my mom and I were at the ER, he was busy moving the heavy stuff into my new apartment. I appreciate both of my parents taking the time out of their busy schedules to help me out with my move. Without their help, the whole process would have taken a lot longer with me on crutches. As of right now, I’m almost completely done setting up my new apartment. All that’s left is the dining room area, decluttering and organizing certain areas, and hanging stuff on the walls. Since I’m almost finished here’s a quick look at my new apartment.

Sneak Peek of my new Apartment

I’m a geek so I wanted my apartment to have an arcade feel to it. So I decided to ditch a lot of my old decor and put all my geek stuff on display. In the living room, I’m going for a video game theme. So I’m going to hang out video game-related posters and art. As of right now, I have different types of video game collectibles around the TV and a few posters. I have some other wall art that I haven’t hung up yet. Since it’s an apartment, I don’t want to put nails in the wall, so I’m planning to see what I can find at the store to hang stuff up with that won’t cause damage.

Next up is my kitchen. Right now it’s not all that exciting, but my plan is to decorate with things from fictional restaurants stuff. I have a burger of the day sign from Bob’s Burger that I plan to hang up later, but for now, I just have my Los Polos apron hanging up. The end goal is for my kitchen to have kind of a restaurant vibe to it. I’m not completely sure how I’m going to achieve it, but good there’s Pinterest.

Well, that’s it for the sneak peek. I have more to do with my apartment, but once it’s finished and I get some lights for filming. I’d like to film a full apartment tour showing the finished product. My plan is to stay at this apartment for a while because I don’t want to take anything down the stairs anytime soon.  So I want it to feel like home, a few years down the line I might try the home-owning thing again. But for now, an apartment is a perfect fit for me.

Goals Completed in February

With moving being out of the way, I began focusing one of my other goals for February and made some adjustments to my resume and cover letter. I applied for a few jobs and got hired in for a temp position doing data entry.  Since it’s not a permanent position, I’m still going to continue applying for jobs. The goal is to find a full-time copywriting position, so I can venture away from freelance jobs. My hope is that I will have more free time to focus on my hobbies, instead of constantly searching for assignments and dealing with spontaneous deadlines.

My other two goals for February was to have an awesome solo Valentine’s day and not get sick again. And I’m happy to report that I was able to cross both of those things off my list. Let’s start with Valentine’s day. Since it was on a Friday, I used it as an excuse to lay around and pamper myself. I enjoyed a lovely dinner followed by some chocolate. Then I watched Ingrid goes West before heading to bed. Overall, it was a nice relaxing day that set the tone for a relaxing weekend.

Both December and January I managed to get sick. But not last month. I think it has a lot to do with the fact I wasn’t as stressed out as I have been, and I was able to take better care of myself. I wish I could say I’m in the clear for the rest of the year, but I know I’m going to get sick in the spring due to my allergies. But hopefully, that doesn’t last too long.

March Plans & Goals

For March, I have Planet ComiCon to look forward too and this year I’m going with my little sister. We’re only attending on Saturday and will be cosplaying together as the goose and groundskeeper from The Untitled Goose Game. I’m looking forward to the convention and spending time with my sister. Other than that, I don’t have much planned for March. This time of year isn’t all that exciting. The weather isn’t quite nice to have a lot of stuff going on. So I’m ready for some spring weather, and being able to add more fun activities to my schedule.

March Goals

My goals for March are:

  • Find a healthy balance between work and home
  • Read 2 books
  • Find some fun events to attend around the city

Even though February wasn’t that exciting of a month for me. It’s nice that almost done with my apartment and I shift my focus to new things. I’m looking forward to starting a new job, and it’s in an area with lots of new restaurants to try. How was your February? Were you able to accomplish your goals?

Related post: January wrap-up: how I started 2020

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.