How to deal with Negativity Online

Have you ever read through comments or read an article online and ended feeling angry or sad? The type of media we consume can have an impact on our mental health. The internet is both a positive place and a negative place. You can connect with others, learn, and be entertained. But there is a negative side of the internet that’ll leave you feeling drained. We’re already anxious or stressed about money, relationships, and work. So we don’t need social media to add to our list of stressors.

The internet can breed negativity, but it’s a challenge to stay away. It’s where we go to connect with others, be entertained, and learn new things. Even though, the internet is a negative place at times. It’s still something we can navigate by being mindful of we deal with negativity online. So here’s what some ways to deal with negativity online and reduce the negative impact it has on our mental health.

Ignore the Trolls

A common source of negativity online is trolls. Trolls are people who find joy is starting quarrels to upset people on the internet. They know how to word things and to get under people’s skin. And it’s their primary form of entertainment online. So when it comes to trolls the best thing to do is not feed the fire, and ignore them. When they leave rude comments on your posts, delete it or ignore it and move on. Don’t give them the satisfaction of letting it bother you, so they know you’re not going to be a source of entertainment for them.

Ditch the Unhealthy Platforms

Some websites don’t offer value for your time or attention. It differs for everyone. For some, it might be social media websites and for others, it might be news related websites. Whatever it may be, it takes away more than it adds. So ditch the platforms that arent doing you any good. Make a list of websites and apps that you use or visit daily. Then make a list of pros and cons and think about they add value to your life or take away. After you’ve pinpointed which websites and apps are adding negativity to your life. Try to reduce the time you spend on them or ditch them altogether.

Avoid Comment Sections

A common source or negativity online is comment sections. They have both positive and uplifting as well as mean and rude comments. Unless you know you can read through the comment section with letting it get under your skin. It’s best to ignore them or filter to keep the negative comment out of view.

Focus on the good

The internet isn’t all bad, but it’s still something to be careful about. There are lots of valuable content to take in. So don’t get swallowed about by all the negativity. When your online look for the good. Focus on supporting the creators who add value to your life and brighten your day. And ignore those that don’t.

The internet is something that’s apart of our daily lives. We use it to search for information, as a source of entertainment, and connect with friends and family. Even though there are some negative aspects to being online, we don’t have to let the negative overcome the positive. When we focus on the good, ignore trolls, negative comments, and ditch the platforms that don’t add value to your life. The internet because a positive place to explore.

Relate post: 6 Ways to Remove Negativity from your life

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.