August Wrap-up: letting go

August got off to a rough start for me. I’m a seasonal employee at an election board and the primary election was on August 4th. Everyone works from 5 am to 7 pm on elections days. I ended up working until midnight and spent the week tired and out of it. Luckily, I only had one week left on the job before I got a break. If I end up working there for the November election, I won’t stay late. It wasn’t worth it. My mindset was that I could make some extra money to put towards school, but after taxes, there’s wasn’t much leftover. Other than that hiccup in the being of the month, August wasn’t too bad.

Decluttering and Letting go

I use tarot for both personal development and shadow work. So I start each by asking a question, then doing a simple spread. They’re usually one card spread to keep things simple. For my August reading, I pulled the devil in reverse. My question was “what am I not seeing?” And my answer was that I’m holding on to things that are holding me back and causing me harm. Afterward, I started journaling to look deeper into it. And well, I do because it’s comfortable and change makes me uncomfortable. But if I want to grow and move forward I need to let go.

So to start I decluttered my closet. I used to struggle with disorder eating, and I’ve been hanging on to the clothes from that time. And sometimes it brings me down when I something I used to fit in. But these clothes don’t serve a purpose. I can’t fit them and all it’s doing is taking up space and bringing me down. Without them, I’ll have more space in my closet for new clothes and my cosplays.

It was bittersweet decluttering my closet. But I know it was for the better.


In August, I finally finished my Raisel cosplay. The craft store had a sell, so it was perfecting timing to get what I needed to finish my cosplay. I’d never made a hat for a cosplay. So I had no clue what I was doing. Luckily there’s YouTube and Pinterest. My plan was to use wire so that the hat could maintain its shape. But later realized that wasn’t going to work. So I used foam padding instead.

First I made a pattern, then I traced and cut everything out. After that, I made the base of the hat out of the foam padding. Then I sewed the fleece and put it over the foam padding and glued everything down it was nice and snug. Lastly, I made the ears and glued them down. Putting the hat together was a lot easier than I expected. The planning part is what took me the longest. But I’m happy with how it turned out.

Next, I’m going to Hisoka from Hunte x Hunter. My sister requested it, and I have yet to watch the anime in full. So while I build it I’m going to watch Hunter x Hunter.

September Plans

My plans for September are to continue decluttering. Since it’s cooled down a little, I’m finally going to work on decluttering my garage. I’ll probably dedicate a few hours at a time to it’s until it’s done. I’m also going to try and take a trip to Denver so I can explore the city and look for an apartment.I’ve never been to Colorado, so I’m looking forward to exploring a new place. Other than that, I’m going to continue to focus on personal development, shadow work, and finding a full-time job to replace my seasonal job.

Related post:  July wrap-up: Stress and Something new

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.