Healthy Habits For Busy Schedules

Stress is apart of our daily lives and we try our best to navigate it by trying to keep up a healthy lifestyle. We try to exercise a few days a week, eat a well-balanced diet, and get plenty of rest. When it comes to a busy schedule it’s not easy to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Managing things such as caring for a family, budgeting, and working isn’t an easy task. You often find yourself skipping meals or eating quick unhealthy snacks just to get through to the next task, Staying up late to get something done and sacrificing your much-needed sleep.

We try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not only for yourself but for those close to us. But that is easier said than done when we have a busy schedule. Here are some tips for those who are struggling to balance their busy schedules and healthy lifestyle choices.

Exercise Videos

Trying to get fit or stay in shape is a difficult thing to do when you have multiple things to manage like taking care of a family, work, and running errands. The weather sometimes can make it hard to get out to the gym or even go for a jog outside. Exercise videos are a great way to fit a workout into a busy schedule. They allow you to squeeze in a quick workout when you have a bit of free time. Most exercise videos don’t need a lot of space and give you a good workout without having to spend hours in the gym. Plus you can find a variety of videos online for free one of my favorites is Fitness Blender. I first discovered them when I started exercising daily they offer a variety of videos and are great for any skill level.

Need some recommendations?  Check out my picks for the Top 5 YouTube Channels for a Full At-Home Workouts.

Use Meal Planning and Meal Prep to Eat Healthily

Save money and time by meal prepping each week. Meal planning and meal prep is a great way to make sure that you get a well-balanced meal into your busy schedule. Taking the time to plan out meals for the week and then prepping the meals can save time, money, and reduce stress. It only takes a few hours each week to plan meals and prepare them.

It will help to make sure that you have a healthy meal during your lunch break and avoid those runs to the local fast-food restaurant. One thing that I like the most about meal prep is how much time and money it saves. I spend roughly around $20-$30 on my prepped lunch vs the $50-$60 I would spend dining out. I also get to make the most out of my lunch break because it only takes a couple of minutes to heat my meal so I can enjoy my break before returning to work. One of the sites that I like to use for meal prep ideas is Budget Bytes. The site offers a variety of simple, nutritious and delicious meals for small budgets.

Drink Lots Of Water 

You must make sure that your drinking enough water daily. There are a lot more health benefits of drinking water compared to sugary drinks like soda, juice, and energy drinks. It promotes weight loss, increases energy and relieves fatigue. One way to make sure that you’re getting enough water is to invest in a good water bottle. I have one that I carry around with me and I’ve set reminders on my Fitbit to make sure that I take the time to drink water.

Things can get busy throughout the day, and I’ll have water on me but won’t stop to have a drink. A lot of times it’s because of how involved I get with a task. The reminders let me know that I need to get to a stopping point and take a break. If you’re not getting enough water throughout the day give this trick a try. You can also set reminders on your phone, computer, or any other kind of fitness tracker.

Planning and Scheduling 

Creating a schedule and weekly plan will help you stay organized and better manage your time. Weekly plans help you keep track of the current task, increase productivity, and lets others know of your plans. A well-organized weekly plan makes sure that you are creating a well thought out schedule that includes personal time, high priority task, and room for contingencies. I use both a paper planner and phone apps to stay on top of my weekly plans and schedule. Having both a plan and a schedule will improve your time management skills, reduce stress, and keep you from missing important dates and deadlines.

Daily To-Do List

Creating a to-do list is a great way to stay organized, relieve stress and help delegate tasks. It also gives you a positive productive feeling throughout your day. I like to make my to-do list in the morning while I eat my breakfast. It guides me in the right direction so by the end of the day I have a feeling of accomplishment. Even if I don’t do everything on your to-do list I don’t beat myself up over it. Completing at least one task is a step in the right direction. Be sure to keep your list flexible using it as a guide not putting pressure on yourself. Keeping that in mind you will be able to enjoy the many benefits of a to-do list.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed these tips and they help you on your journey to a healthier you. What are some things you do to stay healthy when you have a busy schedule?

Related post: 5 Daily Habits That’ll put you the path of Success

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.