5 Post Workout Stretches

Stretching after a workout is an important step to prevent fatigue, injury, and will help your muscles recover faster. It’s also a great way to improve your overall flexibility and range of motion. But if you’re in a hurry stretching after a workout sometimes takes a backseat. I know it can be tempting to skip stretching after an intense workout, but taking 5 to 10 minutes to dedicate to stretching after a workout can reduce muscle tension and boost your performance the next time you workout.  So don’t forget to stretch after a hard workout session and check out these five post-workout stretches.

Cat-cow Stretch or Chakravakasana

If you’re a fan of yoga then you’re probably familiar with this stretch. It’s a stretch that targets your back muscles. You’ll start on your hands and knees with your spine in a neutral relaxed allignment. Then inhale and let your belly sink toward the floor, pressing your chest forward. Next, lift your head, relax your shoulders, and exhale. Then round your spine upward, tucking your tailbone while pressing your pubic bone forwards. Lastly, relax your head forward or side to side and repeat.

Kneeling Quad Stretch

For this stretch, you’ll start in a lunge position with your right foot forward, and slowly drop your left knee to the ground. Take a moment to find your balance, then reach back with your left hand and grab your ankles or toes depending on which one is easier.  Hold this position for a few seconds and push forward to get your hip flexors involved. Once finished, returning to the starting position and switch right foot to your left.

Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana

This yoga pose that’s great for stretching out calves and hamstrings. This is one of my go-to stretches after a long run or a leg workout. For this stretch, start with your hands reaching overhead, then take a deep breath in, as you exhale bend forward at the hips and fold over your legs. Take as much of a bend in your knees as you need to relieve any tension on your lower back and allow your head to hang heavy. And put your hand wherever it feels comfortable. To change the tension, slightly shift your weight forward to the balls of your feet. Once you’re done, come out of the position take a slight bend in the knees, place your hand on your hips, and engage your core and slowly raise back to a standing position.

Overhead Stretch

This a great stretch to do before and after exercising. Stand up straight with your hands at your side., and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Then interlace your fingers, raise your hands above your head with your palms facing up. Don’t forget to breathe as you stretch out your torso, raise your arms upward and push down your shoulders. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat this as many times as you desire.

Child Pose or Balasana

Start by kneeling on the floor and touching your big toes together, then spread your knees wide, and rest your buttocks on your heels. If it’s uncomfortable for your hips, then bring your knees and thighs together. Bow forward, draping your torso over or between your thighs, and allow your head to rest on the floor. You can extend your arms in front of you or have them resting at your side with your palms facing. Take a few deep breathes in and out, then slowly raise to an upright position when you’re finished.

Remember to start slowly, don’t stretch past the point of pain, watch your posture, and breathe. Stretching after a workout can help you recover faster, release tension,  and improve your mobility. So, don’t forget to stretch after your workouts. What are some of your favorite workout stretches to do before or after a workout?

Related post: How to Create a Workout Routine

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.