Building an Anti-Anxiety Lifestyle

Your lifestyle can play a part in how your anxiety affects you. If you’re staying up late, eating poorly, and stressed. Then you’re contributing to how your anxiety affects you. Our lifestyle choices are a simple yet powerful tool in combating anxiety and depression. Paired with professional help, healthy lifestyle changes can help relieve anxiety. It puts you in a better position for managing your anxiety. Your anxiety doesn’t have to control you, instead, you can control it by living a healthy lifestyle.

When I was at my lowest in coping with both my depression and anxiety. I was living an unhealthy lifestyle, by stressing out about everything, eating poorly, and not exercising. Often, I found both my depression and anxiety getting the best of me. I was digging myself into a hole with my lifestyle choices. If I wanted things to get better, I had to make changes to my lifestyle to improve my mental health.

Once I made changes, both my anxiety and depression became easier to manage. I found myself feeling less depressed, stressed, and anxious. As a result, I could better handle the stress life threw at me. If you don’t know where to start, then here are some changes you can make to build an anti-anxiety lifestyle.

Eat a Healthy Diet

A major part of building an anti-anxiety lifestyle is eating a well-balanced diet. Our brains are the most metabolically active parts of our body, so it needs a steady stream of nutrition. A poor diet may not provide the nutrients needed to function at its best. Which may provoke symptoms of anxiety and depression. Make sure you’re filling your plate with fresh whole foods and drinking plenty of water. Take care of your gut, limit sugar, and try going decaf.

Your Thoughts and Emotions

Negative thoughts and feelings can work against us. They can cause us to spiral deeper into the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. We have control over our emotions even when we feel like we don’t. When something doesn’t go as planned we can either fall apart or rise to the challenge. Positive thinking, mediation, and gratitude can help change your perception of the world. As well as, help us feel calmer, more resilient, and happier.

Reduce Stress

Stress is a part of our everyday life. There’s no way to cut stress completely out of your life, but you can reduce it. Be aware of what causes your stress, and develop techniques to reduce it. In order to build resilience against it.

For more tips on reducing stress check out 10 Stress Management Techniques to Reduce Stress


An effective way to elevate your mood and reduce the symptoms of anxiety is exercise. Not only can it boost your mood, but your confidence as well. A walk around the block to mindful movement like yoga. Making exercise a part of your routine is a great way to combat anxiety.

Change the Company you keep

The people you let into your life can have an effect on your mental health. If you’re surrounded by negative people, who are sucking your energy. Then you’re only adding to your stress level and increasing your anxiety. There are people who are in your life to build you up and help you grow. Then there are those who bring stress into your life. Pay attention to the company you keep and remove the people who are adding stress to your life. Surround yourself with people who are supportive, to reduce isolation and loneliness. Anxiety can often cause us to isolate ourselves instead of reaching out for help when needed.

When you’re surrounded by loving and supportive people it’s harder to feel alone. They’re there when you needed them, and have your back when things get rough.

It doesn’t matter where you start in building an anti-anxiety lifestyle. Change doesn’t happen without action, long as you take actions toward changing habits and replacing them with new healthier habits. You’re on the right path towards building a lifestyle that’ll help to reduce your anxiety when paired with professional help.

Related post: Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle on a Budget

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.