7 Simple Things you can do to Stop Overthinking Everything

If your mind is always wondering what if or constantly ruminating on the past, then your brain might be overthinking things and causing you extra stress. Overthinking isn’t uncommon. It’s something I face in my own life sometimes. And I’ve fallen victim to those late nights or replaying things in my mind over and over again. When I get stuck in the rut of overthinking. I have to remind myself that I’m overthinking things and move forward by creating solutions instead of analyzing every little thing and feeling stuck. The way we think can either be a powerful asset or a barrier. So here are seven things you can do to stop overthinking.

Take Note of When You’re Overthinking

The first step to change is awareness when you start noticing a bad habit, you can take steps towards changing it. So if you want to stop overthinking, notice when you’re overthinking and the signs.

Signs of Overthinking

Break the Pattern

Overthinking is a bad habit, a pattern created as a way to deal with stress. The good news about bad habits is that they can be broken, replaced with new habits. By changing your thoughts, behaviors, and environment. Notice when you’re overthinking and intentionally choose not to indulge in overthinking, so you can start to break the habit of overthinking everything.

Daily Brain Dumps

Sometimes we have a lot going on in our heads. And one way to sort through it all is by doing a brain dump. By getting everything out of your head and on paper. You’ll gain insight into what’s going on in your head. For more information about doing brain dumps, check out Relax and Empty your mind with Brain Dumps and download my free printable brain dump worksheet.

Talk to Yourself

If you’re more of an auditory person, and writing isn’t really your thing. Then your solution to overthinking may include talking to yourself. It might sound a little weird, but talking to yourself is completely normal and research shows its good for your mental health. Just like writing it’s a way to process everything that’s going on in your head.

Bring Yourself to the Present

When we overthink our minds tend to ruminate on the past or future. So take a moment to bring yourself back to the present moment. Then remind yourself that right now everything is okay and that everything will be okay. When you bring yourself back to reality, you take your mind off worrying about the past and future.

Ways to Practice Being in the Present Moment

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Getting caught up in overthinking every little detail of everyday life, will only cause your stress. Instead, focus on the bigger picture. If it’s something that won’t matter years from now, then it isn’t worth getting worked up about.

Focus on the Facts

Sometimes our problems get buried underneath noise and distractions. We have our beliefs, feelings, judgments, and other things that’ll only amplify our problems by clouding our judgment. It only leads to more overthinking and feeling overwhelmed. So when you start to overthink things write down the facts of the situation, so you can examine your problems objectively with a clear mind and stop overthinking.

Overthinking is probably a habit you’ve had for years, so it may take some time to break the habit. But by bringing awareness to it and these helpful tips, you can shift your brain to a more productive way of thinking that’s practical and solution-orientated.

Related post: 7 Simple Ways to Reduce the Symptoms of Anxiety

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.