Creating a healthy Work-Life Balance to Reduce Stress

Being occasionally stressed with work, or working overtime every now and again is a part of normal working life. You might have an urgent deadline or have some revisions to make to work you’ve already completed. These things happen and are small yet temporary annoyances. That you can push through, and return to your normal workflow. However, if you find yourself dreading going to work, worn out, or that your job is overly demanding. Which leaves you with little time for your passions, personal life, and family. Then may need to take action to improve your work-life balance.

It’s key to remember that your mental health is more important than your job. A poor work-life balance can worsen mental health problems or trigger mental health issues. If you’ve noticed that you’ve fallen into a routine of sleepless nights, feeling stressed or anxious about work, or experiencing anxiety attacks or depression. Here are some tips to help you create a healthy work-life balance and reduce stress. The suggestions below include both at home and at work tips to reduce stress and better maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Talk to your Supervisor

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your work schedule or workload, then talk to your supervisor about it. Let them know how you feel. See if you can reach an agreement on something that lessens your stress. It could be fewer responsibilities, a lightened workload, or working from home a few days a week. Some supervisors are willing to make adjustments for their employees to ensure they are able to perform at their best.

Set manageable goals each day

When we prioritize it helps us feel a sense of accomplishment. Through setting manageable goals at the start of your shift, it gives us control over our work. Instead of letting it control us. Be realistic with your workload, and make a to-do list. Start with your important task and work your way down the list. Don’t forget to ask for help when necessary.

Use your time Efficiently

When we procrastinate or put things off, we allow them to grow in our minds until it because overwhelming. When you’re faced with a big task or project. Plan it out and handle it little by little, instead of waiting until the last minute.  To avoid having to work overtime or staying late to meet a deadline.

Set Boundaries

A key to achieving a healthy work-life balance is to ensure you have a life outside of work. If you’re always working, then you’ll never take time to do anything else. Time off is important, and you need to have time off to separate yourself from sitting at work, talking about work, and thinking about work. It’s okay to ignore work emails or calls when you’re out of the office.

Build a Support System

Having a strong support system is important to our success both at home and at work. When you’re stressed out and feeling the pressures of life. Having someone to talk to can help lessen the load. It can be a friend, family, member, or health professional. Talking it out with someone gets it out of your head. It brings clarity, new ideas, and lets you know what you’re feeling is valid and okay. That way it’s not something that’s lingering in your mind.

If your mental health is suffering due to your job, then you need to find a better way to manage your mental health and work. If it’s not possible to find happiness and balance with current job. Then you may want to take action to pursue a different career. Life is too short to spend it at a job you hate. Make your mental wellbeing your priority, and take action.

Related Post: How to set Healthy Boundaries at Work

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.