Moving on from a bad day

It’s not uncommon for a bad day to leave you feeling drained. Everyone has those days where you just can’t shake the glass-half-empty attitude. It can ruin your productivity and drain you of creative energy. The good thing about a bad day is there’s always tomorrow. You can recover from a bad day, and move forward. How you respond to a bad day can make a world of difference. It can mean the difference between a full recovery or a full-blown funk. Here are 5 things you can do to get back on track and move forward from a bad day.

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust


When you have a bad day, getting caught up in everything that went wrong is easy. Instead of mulling over everything that went wrong, try practicing gratitude. Write down five things you’re grateful happened. To change your perspective, life isn’t one big mess and one bad day represents your whole life.

Self-care not self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is not self-care. Drinking the day away at happy hour isn’t a form of self-care and can make your bad day worst. Instead, focus on activities that restore and help you feel refreshed. That may be going to bed early, cooking your favorite meal, or saying “no” to social events so you don’t overextend yourself.

Be Mindful

When you’re in a rut it’s easy to make blanket statements like, “I can’t do anything right” or “I’m a failure.” Take moment to identify the emotion behind those thoughts. By labeling those emotions you’re able to let go and overcome those negative feelings. Putting your feelings into words helps to prevent an emotional response and allows you to process the situation rationally.

Do Something to help Others

“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
When your help others, you take the focus off yourself, which can put your bad day into perspective. When we have a bad day, we get lost in our own world. By connecting with others, we’re able to forget about our own struggles. Something as simple as smiling at others when you’re having a bad day takes us out of our heads, makes us feel good about ourselves, and improve our outlook of the world.

Talk to Someone

Remember that you don’t have to deal with everything on your own. Talk to someone about how you feel, or write it down in a journal. Getting it out of your head helps to put things into perspective, so you can asses how little or large issues really are in the scheme of things. It can also help to vent to someone else to confirm that everything isn’t in your head and things really do suck at the moment.

Life can be tough, but so are you. So take a deep breath, put the day behind you, and remember that you can try again tomorrow.

Related Post: Overcoming the Challenges of life

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.