Day 3

The last day of Planet Comicon didn’t have much going on. Just a few panels, photo ops, and celebrity meet and greet sessions. I originally planned on wearing my Scarlet Witch cosplay but ended up changing my mind. I ended up wearing my Rocko cosplay from Rocko’s Modern Life instead.

Geeks And Mental Health

The first panel that I attended on Sunday was A New Hope Geeks And Mental Health. The Panel talked about mental health issues in the geek community. I was very happy to see that Planet Comicon would be offering a panel that talked about mental health in the geek community. Since I deal with depression and anxiety. The moderators provided information on mental health and resources to help coop. Attendees also opened up and shared their personal experiences with mental health. After the panel, I visited their booth to sign up as a volunteer and grab some of the information that they had available.

Since there wasn’t much going on we got some lemon drop cupcakes from the Smallcakes booth and people watched for about an hour. Their cupcakes are delicious and I will definitely be checking out their shop so that I can try some of the other flavors they have to offer.

Pom Klementief Panel

The last panel I attended at the convention was Guarding The Galaxy With Pom Klementieff. She’s the actress that plays Mantis in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2. She talked about how she got started in acting and what it was like being apart of the Marvel Centimatic Universe. Once the panel was over we walked around the exhibit hall and took a few pictures. After that, there was only a couple of hours left of the convention. So we decided to head home to avoid traffic. I really enjoyed my time at Planet Comicon and I can’t wait for next years.

Thank you for reading! If your thinking about attending a convention check out 5 Tips for Attending Your First Convention

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.