March Wrap-Up

Hello April & Goodbye March!

The first week of March was busy my little sister came all the way from Michigan and spent the week with me for her spring break. We went out almost every day exploring the city. Even though it was tiring It was nice to get a break from my daily routine and do something different. Then after she left I went into overdrive working on cosplays for Planet Comicon. I managed to get all of them done ahead of schedule. And since I had some free time I took on my reading challenge and was able to read 1 book and start another. So here’s my wrap-up of March.

What I read last Month

Since March was National Reading Month I wanted to try and get out of my reading funk by reading at least 5 books. I didn’t buy any new books choose some that have been sitting on my bookshelf for a while. I ended up reading The Weight of Silence and Starting a Monster Calls. Both books have been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for a couple of years. So it was nice to take them off my read list.

The Weight of Silence

I loved this book and it was hard to put it down at night. So I ended up staying up later than the usual reading. It’s one of those books where you are desperate to get to the end and find out what happened. But at the same time, you don’t want it to end. The Author writes from the perspective of each character and the way she describes the abuse and violence that surround Calli and Ben will have you reaching for a tissue. I thought it was a great suspense novel and I’m interested in reading some Heather Gudenkauf other novels.

Planet Comicon

The first day of the convention wasn’t that eventful. I went by myself and didn’t cosplay. My focus was to get used to the layout of the convention floor, panels, and shopping. I ended the day with two panels. The Video Game Voices: A Look at Overwatch featuring Luci Pohl, Josh Petersdorf, and Chole Hollings and the William Shatner Panel. Both Panels were great and I had a lot of fun watching them.

The next day was full of waiting. I dressed as Lt. Uhura and did a Photo Op with William Shatner. After that, I got my Mercy, Widowmaker, and Roadhog POPS signed. Then I meet Jessica Nigri bought some prints and took a photo with her. She was nice and I’m glad that I got the chance to meet her.

After that, my husband and I grabbed lunch at Chipotle then headed back to the convention center. We watched part of the Mick Foley Panel before heading to the Lori Petty Panel. Our last panel of the day was the Harry Potter Panel with Bonnie Wright, and Jamie and Oliver Phelp. We then ended the day with the Cosplay Contest.

On the last day of the convention, I dressed up as Bulma from Dragon Ball and met another one of my favorite Cosplayer Kamui. She was nice and I even showed her some of my work. Meeting both Jessica Nigri and Kamui inspired me to step up my cosplay game. I only went to one panel that day it was Rey Mysterio panel. Then my husband and I just walked around the main floor for a few hours before heading home.

I had a great time at the convention and I can’t wait for my next one.

Blog Plans & Personal Plans

For April I won’t have a theme for my blog post. I couldn’t think of one that would be fitting for April. But I think it’ll be nice to break away from the monthly theme and do things differently this month.

My goal for April is to get everything ready for the launch of my online shop in May. This past month I worked on it a little and got some of the products in and if you follow me on Instagram you got a sneak peek. This month I’ll be doing a lot more reading during April since I’ll have more free time. Hopefully, I’ll be able to cross the other 4 books off my list this month.

Did you do anything fun this past month? Or do you have any fun plans for April? Let me know in the comments. 

Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.